The Village of Viscri

Viscri is only one of the Saxon villages of Transylvania. Of course, is a special one, due to his great fortified church which is part of UNESCO World Heritage.

When the Saxons came here, at the end of 12th century, they have found a little chappel, which suffered transformations during the time. The actual church of Viscri is a romanesque chapel enlarged in the early 16th century to form a single-nave church, with a fortified storey resting on semicircular arches supported by massive buttresses; walls strengthened in the 17th century. A very interesting museum is part of the citadel.

The documents tell that the village of Viscri was allways a free community, never beeing part of a noble property.
Around AD 1500 the village has 51 households, 3 shepherds, 1 teacher and 2 poors.

Still now, Viscri is a small village, with no more than 500 inhabitants, from which only about 27 are Saxons. People say that Viscri hide the most picturesque fortified church of the Saxons from Transylvania.


The Old Saxon Church

The fortress and the church received a deep restoration during '70 years, geting the formerly magnificency. Even is a little church of a little village, the whole assembly is impresive, with his air of mistery and pride.

The Landscape

The environment surprises by the wide variety. The wonderfull meadows are bordered by wilde forests of oak and beech. The rolling hills crossed by pathes invite you to long walk. All kind af birds chirp around.

The Street

Walk along the peaceful streets. Look to the old fatades. Feel the atmosphere.

The Feltmakers

A group of women was teached to make felt. Yes, they are making feltshoes and hats by hand, from wool to the final product. You can buy nice things at a good price.

The Blacksmith Workshop

Is a good one. More than making horseshoes, he is making hinges for windows and doors, nails and many other things.

WHAT TO NOT MISS when visiting the church

The Holy Font. It is the main attraction of the church. Made from the stone of a romanic capitel of XIII century, the holy font is seating on an old column section. They say that the font and the column was part of the little old chapel Alba Ecclesia.

The Museum of the Church. This country museum own many interesting objects. Looking to the old "boxes of the neighbouhood" you will find details about the organisation and duties of the Saxon comunities. There are furniture and typical tools of ancient crafts. And the few original clothes reveal amazing, charming decoration.

The Lard's Room. Even is part of all the fortified Saxon churches, this simple room is interesting because his utility and his very simple rule was maintained till the years '90.

The View from the Tower. Looking all arround from the tower, you will see the tiled roofs of the village between the trees and all the natural surrounding.